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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Packet Analyzers

Anatomy of a packet

             Packet analyzers are also called packet sniffers, protocol analyzers, and network analyzers. They monitor, intercept, and decode data packets, which are groups of bits (bytes) that are being transmitted across networks. The analyzers can be software or hardware. IT teams use packet analyzers to monitor and filter network traffic. Besides that, packet analyzers can diagnose network problems, identify configuration issues, and target malware and attack attempts.
             However, they can also be used for negative purposes. Attackers can abuse packet sniffers in promiscuous mode. When this happens, a sniffer can read all incoming data and steal unencrypted information, spy on network traffic, and gather information against the network to attack it at a later point. Protocol analyzer attacks often target user logins, financial information, and emails. Using public networks or free Wi-Fi makes it easier for attackers to sniff the packets. 

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